четверг, 29 ноября 2007 г.

Eco-Friendly Dishwashing Products

I recently tried two brands of dishwashing detergents (powdered). One was by Seventh Generation. The other was by Citra-Solv,LLC.

How did they compare? This may depend on the type of water you have. I have hard well water.

The Citra Solv brand called Citra-Dish performed very well for me. It was comparable to my previous brand which happened to be Cascade.

The Seventh Generation brand I had read primarily good reviews with some people who mentioned it left sprinkles on dishes that did not dissolve. I happened to be one of those people. Again, I suspect it has to do with the type of water you have.

Green Guide lists a number of dishwashing detergent brands and companies with ratings and articles.



среда, 28 ноября 2007 г.

Eco Toilet Cleaners

Corrosive ingredients in conventional toilet bowl cleaners, such as hydrochloric, sulfuric acid, and lye can cause severe burns if splashed in eyes and on skin, and some ingredients, like ammonia, threaten aquatic populations when flushed. Below is a list of toilet bowl cleaners that are safer for human health and the environment.


There were 3 top ranking cleaners. Borax which is boric acid and a long time cleaner on the market.

Another high ranking toilet cleaner was Heinz white distilled vinegar which I have used before and must agree that it works on tough stains.

The other was Sound Earth Fizzn' Floor Booster Floor & Toilet Bowl Cleaner.

I recently purchased the Ecover brand which was highly rated by Drugstore.com users. But have been looking for a suitable toilet bowl brush that won't scratch the inner bowl. Anyone know of a good one?

понедельник, 26 ноября 2007 г.

LED Holiday Lights

LED stands for light-emitting diode and these type of lights will save you 90% energy than traditional bulbs.

Burning 10 strands of lights with 100 lights per strand, eight hours per day for a month costs $175 for incandescent bulbs vs. about $1 for LED mini-bulbs. Sounds good, huh?

Because they barely heat up means they are less of a hazard with children being burned by a bulb.

This year I purchased the C7 lights which resemble the old fashioned larger multi color bulbs. Yes, I did say COLOR. Aren't you tired of clear lights yet? Please bring back the color in Christmas!

You can find these online or at Walmart or Kmart (if they still have them) I got them early and sold out fast at my local store. They are likely available elsewhere if you look.

воскресенье, 25 ноября 2007 г.

Eco - Friendly Bathroom Surface Cleaners

Which ranks tops? You can find out here at National Geographic's Green Guide.

I've been using Seventh Generation bathroom cleaner which cleans a smooth surface tub, the outer toilet, and bathroom counters very well.

My shower stall on the other hand contains ripples on the floor and requires something with a little more power to penetrate those darn nooks and crannies. I may give the BonAmi a whirl for that, although being a powder may be something I would have to get used to.

пятница, 23 ноября 2007 г.

Experts Offer Toy-Buying Safety Tips

How to identify and avoid hazardous toys

With so much scrutiny on the toy industry, some consumer advocates say toys may actually be safer this holiday season than they have been for years, but they are still warning that there are almost certainly dangerous toys on store shelves.

Full Article: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2007/11/toy_shopping.html

четверг, 22 ноября 2007 г.

Gun Owners/Hunters: Lead Shot Causes Lead Poisoning To Birds

PENDLETON -- In April, a golden eagle was brought to Blue Mountain Wildlife, a raptor rehabilitation center in Pendleton. Center director Lynn Tompkins said the bird was suffering from classic symptoms of lead poisoning.

The poisoning caused nerve dysfunction to such a degree that the eagle clenched its talons and couldn't unclench them. They were so tightly contracted the bird was walking around on his knuckles, Tompkins said.
In addition, the eagle was emaciated because poor muscle control prevented hunting.

Tompkins took the eagle to Pendleton Veterinary Clinic where a lead toxicity test was done. The eagle had a lead level of 66.4 micrograms per deciliter. A normal level is less than 6 micrograms per deciliter.

Full Article http://www.statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071118/STATE/711180316/1042

Please use an alternative!

понедельник, 19 ноября 2007 г.

Don't Forget to Feed The Birds, But Do it Right

When it snows it can be difficult for outdoor birds to find enough food. Feeding wild birds can be an enjoyable experience. If you're new to this activity you want to do it right. Below are helpful links to get you started. It is important to know that while you are tending to wild birds there is some upkeep involved and necessary so that they do not become ill. If you're going to start bird feeding take it seriously so that you do no harm.

Besides helping the birds get through winter it also provides you with an opportunity to learn more about various species and if you have a professional digital camera to take pictures of your new friends.

My Tips:

I do not recommend bird baths unless you have a lot of time on your hands to tend to them. Birds use baths to lounge, drink, and bathe in which means dirty water. E.Coli can be spread easily via a bird bath.

If you got the time and eyes to watch it then it will be worth the effort. Just know that I usually have to change my water several times a day and once a week scrubbing it down with a sink brush. My baths attract a large number of birds. So be prepared. They invite their friends to the pool.

You've probably seen those netted bags with seed in them. I also discourage from using those. Birds can easily get their nails caught in them.

My last tip is to not let your bird feeder become empty. I once found a bird that managed to get inside my feeder by liftng the plastic portion. This is what I mean by watching your feeders closely.

Learn more about bird feeding and getting started here


воскресенье, 18 ноября 2007 г.

Tis the Season: Earth Friendly Tips

1) Consider purchasing gift certificates to movies or other places. This cuts down on using gift wrap.

2) Have toys or clothing you no longer want? Donate to Salvation Army.

3) Purchase paper and cards that have been made from recycled paper.

4) Use paper as opposed to metallic and plastic type wrapping which doesn't decompose as easily.

5) If you're going to purchase Christmas tree lights this year; consider buying LED light sets - they'll last far longer and use less electricity. My recent purchase will save me 90%. Don't be surprised though they are a bit more expensive.

6) Don't leave the outdoor light sets on. Purchase a timer. Save money on electricity.

7) Take your own bags while you are shopping. No sense in bringing home more plastic bags. If you do, remember to recycle them.

8) Shop online. Save gas money. Chances are you will get a better deal anyway if you are a saavy shopper that is.

9) If you are one that must use candles try beeswax. Please remember proper safety habits. If you have a pet of any kind I don't recommend candles at all.

10) Buy an environmentally friendly basket filled with "green" products and introduce friends to a better way of living.

пятница, 16 ноября 2007 г.

Donate Your Old Furs to Wildlife

"Do you have an old fur coat in your closet? Many of us have fur apparel that we no longer want or that was left to us by a family member. Some aren't comfortable selling it or giving it to charity, because they feel people should not wear animal fur. So what should people do with it?

Give it back to the animals. If you would like to see that old fur put to a good use, donate it to The Humane Society of the United States' Coats for Cubs program. The fur will aid and comfort wildlife."

Follow this link http://www.hsus.org/wildlife/fur_and_trapping/donate_your_old_furs_to_wildlife.html

вторник, 13 ноября 2007 г.

Natural Paints

The latest, healthiest paints are made from clay, milk, and solvent-free bases. That sounds great for the environment, but how do they handle when the brushes come out? Hmm....

National Geographic's Green Guide checks some of these new lines of paint and provides a review here http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/122/paint

In the article:

milkpaint.com (Packets of powder)
greenbuildingsupply.com (AFM Safecoat's new Ayurveda Essence, VOC-free)
bioshieldpaint.com (Solvent Free)
sherman-williams.com (Harmony line)

Other eco- paint lines that I am aware of not included in this article include

American Clay - A plaster, that will be all over the walls at Chez Jen.
American Pride Paints - For those with chemical sensitivities.
Anna Sova - 99% food-grade ingredients and renewables (available Jan '07).
Aurousa.com - Natural paints and finishes.
Benjamin Moore Eco Spec - Used by some of the top eco-builders out there.
Olympic - Low-odor, Green Seal-approved and widely available at Lowe's.
Real Milk Paint - for that "adobe" look.
Yolo Colorhouse - Environmentally responsible paints.

UK Based
Ecos Organic Paints

Helpful Tips:

Good = Green Seal, which means that it's certified to be safe.
Bad = EPA, OSHA or DOT seals, which mean that the paint contains hazardous chemicals.

Earth911 - find out where to recycle or donate leftover paint.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2007 г.

Green Search Engines?

A recent newsletter from Ideal Bite discussed ways of saving energy online.

Some engines have a dark background color instead of white, which when viewed on older, CRT monitors consumes 20% less energy than typical engines. Who knew?

Their advice...

Blackle - an unofficial black version of Google that uses less energy than the white version on some screens (for a more colorful option, try The Green Spider).

Green Maven - this Google-based search engine yields results from green-related websites only.

суббота, 10 ноября 2007 г.

In the News: Cobb Water

I received this article today from a friend. I thought it was interesting enough to post here. I can't imagine why anyone would need that much water and the owner would not speak about it. Why would anyone need to use that much water?

COBB COUNTY, Ga. -- "Cobb Water officials are drafting a warning letter to high water users. Soon, rates will nearly double for customers who use more than their share. Channel 2 dug through the records and found the top home on the list."

Channel 2 obtained months and months of records from the Cobb County Water System. One address rose to the top of the list month after month – a single house that last month used enough water to fill 1,000 hot tubs."

Full Article: Cobb County Home Uses Enough Water For Neighborhood

суббота, 3 ноября 2007 г.

Glass Cleaners

Glass cleaners can help make your home sparkle, but many contain ammonia, which can irritate eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and threatens aquatic populations. Avoid cleaning headaches, and other woes, by choosing a glass cleaner that is gentler on human health and the environment.

See this link:

Helping Needy Families

Scouting for Food is a food collection effort carried out by Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Cub Scouts from your community. Food drives can be organized at the district level or by each individual unit as needed. Scouts
distribute food drive donation requests (flyers, notes, and/or bags) throughout a designated area and then return to collect grocery bags filled with donated food. The bags are collected and carried to local food
pantries, churches, shelters for the homeless, and other local agencies that feed the needy.

Scouting for Food is a project rooted in the very foundation of the Scouting movement. Through initiative and hard work, the Boy Scouts have developed a framework that can help local food pantries feed tens of thousands of needy local residents with emergency aid. It is up to the people of your community to make Scouting for Food a success.

Today many of you will have received a bag on your front door with instructions on the bag. Please remember to help others. You never know when or if you may need that same assistance.

пятница, 2 ноября 2007 г.

Saving on Energy and Some Dough, Too

Is the cost of your electric about to go up? Ours is and I am working on solutions. I wonder with the cost of just about everything going up how the average citizen will be able to get on in say 5 or 10 years financially speaking.

For tips on making your home or office as energy efficient as possible, check out these links.

Residential Energy Efficiency: Priority Checklist

No-Cost Low-Cost Tips for Saving Money & Energy